
Sunday, 26 August 2012

I hope the rest of the trip is smoother...

Two days until we leave for Fiji and as I walked down the stairs this morning, the house looked alarmingly chaotic. It doesn't help that there are 14 (or was it 15?) girls asleep in tents outside, belatedly celebrating Anna's 16h birthday. My third to last sleep in my comfy bed was punctuated periodically by giggling packs of them trying to get upstairs quietly to use the bathroom.

Since John left for Fiji in April, I have been sorting through every item accumulated over our twenty years in Hagg Bank and making the decision: store, sell, bin, give away or ship? We have a lot of stuff, some of which I didn't know we had and some of which I didn't know what it was. I laughed and cried, sometimes at the same time, while going through old papers and keepsakes. I came across postcards from my late sister Ruth, who always wrote postcards to everyone who might handle it throughout the postal journey ("Hello Looters|" she put in a postcard to us after Hurricane Hugo).

I'd love to sit and chat, however, we've just found out that there has been a mistake when they issued the tickets (suggested itinerary does not equal flights booked), so we're leaving tomorrow rather than day after tomorrow.

Deep breath. Keep calm.....

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